Our Guarantee

We feel so strongly about the quality of our service that all of our service are guaranteed.

Bed Bug Control Guarantee – We guarantee our services for 3 months when 3 applications are applied at the correct intervals and the customer complies with our sanitation recommendations.

Exterior Spider Control – We guarantee our service for 3 months. Remember, do not wash your house after we apply our spray.

Weed Control and Lawn Insect Guarantee – Call us within 2 weeks if you are not completely satisfied. We will touch up at no extra cost.

Interior Spider and Ant Control – We guarantee our service for 6 months when 3 applications at the correct intervals are applied and the customer complies with our sanitation recommendations.

Roaches – We guarantee our service for 3 months when 3 applications at the correct intervals are applied and the customer complies with our sanitation recommendations.

Soil Sterilant Guarantee – Season long guarantee is offered with our soil sterilant service. If a weed does come up, we will provide weed control at no extra cost.

Termite Control Guarantee – We guarantee our service for 3 years. We also offer a guarantee renewal for an annual fee of $50 or 10% of the original cost. This will protect your home or business in the event that termites return to the home after the 3 year guarantee.

You can reach us here, when you are ready to schedule an appointment.